Psychology and Allied Health Services

Feel Good February 2022

This month is Feel Good February

Feel Good February was created to encourage and inspire people to initiate random acts of kindness for their fellow community members. There has been extensive research to prove that ‘giving out good’ not only benefits the receiver but also increases the happiness of the giver. There’s mental happiness and physical benefits for all involved. It is a win-win situation! – ( ) 

Although Feel Good February is aimed at spreading kindness to others, it’s also a great time to show kindness to yourself.  Sometimes we get caught up in our lives and giving to others, we forget to show kindness to ourselves. Can you think of the last time you treated yourself to a massage, went out for lunch, bought yourself a gift, said something nice about yourself or enjoyed some time to yourself?  

Showing kindness to ourselves and taking time for ourselves is important. It can help with reducing stress and anxiety, as well as improve our overall mental and emotional wellbeing.  When we’re feeling our best, we can give our best to others.  Doing something for ourselves doesn’t have to be time-consuming or expensive. However, it’s best if it’s achievable, low stress and something you could aim to do at least once a week. It could be as simple as listening to your favourite song while driving, arriving a few minutes early to pick up the kids from school and sitting in the car in silence, going for a 15-minute walk or buying yourself a coffee.  How will you be kind to yourself this Feel Good February? 

At Minding Family, we understand the importance of not only being kind to others but also to ourselves. If you feel that you or a loved one is struggling, contact our team at Minding Family Townsville to find out how we can provide further support.

Please contact us on 472388221 to discuss pathways for referral.