Psychology and Allied Health Services

Daffodil Day – 25th August

Such a beautiful flower to represent such a powerful message – HOPE. With nearly 150,000 Australians diagnosed with cancer every year, most people have been affected by this disease in some way. Cancer does come with some challenges, whether having experienced or currently experiencing cancer yourself or through a loved one.

Common feelings after diagnosis and treatment for cancer may include depression, anxiety, and stress. Everything can feel like it just moves so quickly, as though it feels like you’re in a whirlwind. There are so many possibilities and thoughts that can start racing through your mind of ‘what ifs?’ Below are some tips to help manage the whirlwind and take back some control.

Catch those unhelpful thoughts!

Have you ever found yourself thinking, ‘I can’t do this’, ‘My family don’t deserve this?’, or ‘Why me?’. Being able to catch those unhelpful thoughts and try and reframe them to have a more positive outlook can help reduce feelings of anxiety or worry. Use these unhelpful thoughts as warning signs that something needs to change. When was the last time I ate? Do I need some water? Have I had enough sleep? Do I need to connect with family/friends? It is important to take the time to check in with yourself and ask these questions!

Check in with yourself – Selfcare

Sometimes we forget that even the smallest of tasks or activities can be a time to check in and ground ourselves. Simple things like having a shower, watching TV, or going for a walk can all be classed as self-care. Find something that you find enjoyable or brings you joy and use it as time to check in with yourself. Ask questions like, ‘how am I really going?’, ‘what can I do or change?’, or ‘what do I need more of or less of?’ This has such a powerful impact and can help with catching those unhelpful thoughts, feeling all those emotions, and take back some control.

Know that all Emotions and Feelings are OKAY!

Having been thrown into this whirlwind, it is not expected to be easy or smooth sailing. You could be feeling hopeful and optimistic one second, then defeated and furious the next. Know that you are not alone! Use that check in time to feel what you need to feel. Cry, vent, yell, laugh, smile, whatever it is you may be feeling! Be it alone or with family and friends, expressing how you’re feeling can be so helpful with reducing those feelings of worry and anger of going through the rollercoaster ride of cancer.

Take Away Message

The Daffodil flower inspires us to live life with optimism and hope. It encourages us to smile and spread smiles. It teaches us ways to be cheerful and fight the troubles with a positive mind. If you feel that you are finding keeping up with all that cancer throws at you overwhelming, it might be time to reach out to a professional who is familiar in working with these thoughts and feelings (i.e., Your GP and a referral to your Psychologist).

We acknowledge that coping with the challenges of cancer can be overwhelming for anyone. Please know that you don’t have to do this on you own.
Our team at Minding Family Townsville are here to provide support.
You are welcome to call us on 472388221 to discuss pathways for referral.