Psychology and Allied Health Services

Christmas Self Care

Christmas can be a very stressful time, especially after the ups and downs of 2021 and especially if someone in your family lives with challenges. Make sure you fill your cup!

As Christmas approaches, many of us feel stressed by all the things we think we ‘have to do’, but it’s just as important to incorporate selfcare during these busy times remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Some handy tips:
It’s ok to say no and only participate in activities that are significant to you

Attend a meditation class or download a free relaxation app what relaxes you?

Make a Christmas budget and stick to it

Listen to calming music or watch your favourite movie

Go to bed early and get a full 8hours sleep (every night!)

Eat and drink in moderation and plan healthy meals for when you’re not celebrating

Don’t forget to move! Walk, run, swim, cycle, rollerskate, dance, stretch aim to be active for 30
minutes everyday. What is your movement of choice?

Tune into the small and simple things where you experience that gratitude

Acknowledge that the festive season isn’t a happy time for everyone Christmas might be an
upsetting or difficult time for yourself or someone close to you, and that’s okay