Psychology and Allied Health Services

Brain Awareness Week

Brain Awareness Week allows us to celebrate past, present and emerging brain research that has helped millions of people around the world. This celebration of the brain helps us to foster excitement and support for brain research. Now is a great time to use that brain research to strengthen and enjoy our lifestyles.

We often look after our bodies with plenty of food, water and exercise. But what about our brains? When there’s no gym for the brain, what are we to do?  There are several key activities we can do to foster healthy brains for today and years to come:  

  1. Regular physical exercise. Exercise stimulates the release of our brain’s ‘happy hormones’ (i.e. dopamine and serotonin) which we know to improve mood.  Even 20 minutes a day can reap benefits on our memory and learning.  
  1. A balanced diet.  Some of the best brain foods also protect our blood vessels and heart. Green leafy vegetables (i.e. kale, spinach, lettuce) and berries are a great source of food for their brain protective qualities. It can also make a big difference to your risk of cognitive decline and dementia (i.e. Alzheimer’s disease).  
  1. Managing stress. Mindfulness, breathing, taking regular brain breaks reduces levels of stress hormones in the body! There’s some great smart phone apps out there (i.e. Calm and Headspace) that make learning about and prioritising these activities easier. 
  1. Getting enough sleep. It might be a rare commodity in these times but it’s benefits are unmatched! A good night’s sleep will speed up the brains processing time, help us to regulate our emotions and strengthen our self-control. Everyone’s sleep needs are different, listen to your body and take note of when you feel best.  
  1. Mental stimulation. This might entail learning a new hobby or instrument. Whatever it is, it can be fun and challenging! Your brain will thank you for years to come.  

The benefits of these activities? Faster thinking, better decision making, less brain fog, better memory, healthier thinking habits. All of this leads to better mood, better relationships and a happier lifestyle.  

The team at Minding Family understand how important it is to foster the health of our brains and our mental wellbeing. We also recognise the this isn’t alwats so easy to do on our own.

If you feel that you or a loved one is struggling please contact out team at Minding Family Townsville on 47238221 to find out how we can provide further support and to discuss referral.